Well most of my life I’ve had no clear idea of who I was. I left school without any clear direction, got a job at a supermarket on checkout which was a blessing in disguise because it gave me the worst health of my life. Why is then a blessing? Because, while it did cause my immune system to be damaged, it also gave me a reason to leave my soul destroying job and concentrate on other things while I healed. I studied, I reacquainted myself with my spiritual path and from that, I discovered a passion for herbs. Without this dark phase of my life, I don’t know that I would have discovered my purpose or discovered that quietly, I really did have a dream. My dream had no form, no substance, it was a wisp in the mind, a secret on the wind, it lay dormant in my soul until I was ready to receive it. Even now, this dream is only slowly revealing itself as I become ready for the next step on this ever winding journey.
Herbalism is an interesting path; it’s not something you step onto lightly nor with a passing interest. It becomes a large part of your life, if not your life; because herbalism and being a herbalist becomes the way you live, it’s not something you put down at the end of the day. You no longer look at things the same way, herbs become a world of wonder where the possibilities are endless, you see a new place in a flower bud, another universe in a leaf, imagination in a root and the power of the Green in all things. It’s almost a romantic notion, because once you fall in love with herbs you never lose that, but it is also damn hard work. Plants have a large and varied range of uses and applications and it takes a long time to learn even just the basics. Beyond that is a learning journey that never ends and always enlightens. Herbs are teachers and mentors, herbalists – the ever faithful students eager to soak up any knowledge or insights that can be offered. Plant Spirits become your allies, your closest friends. Without meaning to, you find yourself talking to your plants, asking their advice, enquiring into their wellbeing. A day will not pass where you are not communicating or interacting with plants or plant life in some way. Each day brings something new, a different herb discovered, a recipe revelation; it can all happen when herbs are involved.
Every day I use herbs in one form or another, whether it is in a simple of chamomile or St John’s Wort or a seasoning like curry paste. I try to always familiarise myself with the applications of different herbs and challenge myself in what I make or do so that the knowledge is absorbed and utilised. I’m by no means near the end of my herbal journey; I don’t think I will ever be. I have dream gardens to create, a blog to fill, a business to create and so much more learning to do. I’m some one who loves to learn new things and put it into practice; sometimes my kitchen looks like a bomb hit it in my frenetic desire to try just about every recipe that catches my fancy. It’s not unusual for me to be puttering about in the kitchen at 10pm because a recipe caught my eye. I tend to think of it as carefully controlled insanity.
I think the one important thing I’ve learned so far on this road of herbalism is that dreams are important and dreams can come true. I may never be hugely successful in this field, but I know I will be happy because I am doing what I love. Herbs are my passion and a lifelong pursuit; I wouldn’t have it any other way.
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